
12108290_10104548149374098_9159337114711346161_nWelcome! I am Head, Business/ SPEA Library (Associate Librarian) at Indiana University in Bloomington, IN. My research interests include scholarship of teaching and learning, business information literacy and education, crowdsourcing and emerging metrics. I blog here about teaching and learning, check it out: Teaching on Purpose.

I was a Library Journal 2017 Mover and Shaker. At Purdue, I was a member of the Purdue Teaching Academy. I am currently chair of the Business Reference and Services Section of ALA.

Previously I served  on Tippecanoe County Council as the representative for District 1. An elected position, County Council is a fiscal approval body tasked with a $50+ million budget.

This website is predominantly focused on my librarian professional work. Visit my IU faculty page or read my previous work at Purdue E-Pubs.

View my Google Scholar Page.

Connect with me on LinkedIn or Twitter.