Category Archives: Press

WAAL 2018 “All Hands on Deck: Social Justice, Empathy in the Age of Information Literacy”

I was invited to give the Keynote at the Wisconsin Association of Academic Librarians’ Annual Conference. It was a blast! Not least of which because I won beer.

I won delicious home brewer beer for tweeting. #waal2018 pretty much best library conference ever

Slides below:

Thank you to everyone who attended!

Press: Krannert Video about Leveraging the 21st Century Library

I made this short video during fall break for Krannert’s Deans Advisory Board. The Libraries have a really good relationship with Krannert School of Management, which is where my liaison areas are and where I do the bulk of my teaching. The impetus for this video was the opening of the Wilmeth Active Learning Center.This is the first time I’ve made a video about the libraries at a large level, and it was interesting trying to describe very succinctly the larger scale vision of the Parrish Libraries, and maybe even modern Libraries as a whole.
The activity the students are working on in the video (where my colleague Heather Howard is teaching) is the reverse logistics assignment I posted last week.

Press: Fulton Indiana Project with Purdue Women Lifting Communities in Krannert Magazine

From time to time I get the opportunity to be interviewed on various projects. When one is on the tenure track, one cannot be shy about one’s achievements. Self-promotion is part of the duties.

I was lucky to be interviewed for Krannert Magazine’s Fall Issue about a project I worked on with a couple of other folks inside of the School of Management. The project started with Joy Dietz and the Women in Management Program, but it sort of blossomed out into my Greater Lafayette Greater class and also into two groups of independent studies under a marketing professor.

Krannert Magazine front cover

Article with quote and pictures from Fulton













For those that do not know Fulton, Indiana, it is a very small (around 200 people) town outside of Rochester, Indiana. I went out there for an event last spring to better understand the issues of Fulton. Some of the issues involved the lack employment opportunities and net migration from the town. What we found was that while Fulton had approached the Krannert School of Management for help, the town has  a lot resources and a really nice new little community center. I like to try and help people help themselves. I don’t think that just because you ask for help it means that I need to find a problem to solve in your community. I am always happy to work with other communities.

Here’s the website to read about it: